Orthodontic Functional Appliance Treatment
Orthodontics is the movement of teeth. Functional appliances help to correct the relationship between the upper and lower jaws and is usually either a removable plate or a glued in appliance.
Orthodontic Functional appliances help by ‘moving’ the jaws back or forwards into the correct jaw position. This movement can be combined with Orthopaedic Expansion.
The classic signs that you might need orthodontic functional therapy include the Class II bite or “weak chin”. This is when your chin is retruded or positioned too far back. The opposite, a Class III bite or “underbite” relates to those who have a very strong lower jaw that protrudes past the top teeth. The timing of functional therapy is crucial and is typically done in young patients aged 10 to 14.
It’s important to note that Functional Therapy may be only one part of your Orthodontic journey. It is very likely that you will need to have further treatment such as braces or clear aligners to straighten your teeth. Each case is different, and your dentist will inform you of your tailored treatment plan.
Types of Functional Therapy
Removable Appliances
Commonly referred to as “plates” – these are dual arch (top and bottom jaws) appliances that force the jaws into their correct position. Examples include the classic Twin Block or the Bionator.
Removable Functional Clear Aligners
Similar to the above, however instead of plates, these are done with Clear Aligners. An example of a Clear Aligner brand we use for Functional Therapy includes the Angel Aligner A6 Mandibular Advancement Therapy.
Fixed Appliances
These are glued-in versions of the above. The two classic examples of fixed therapy include the MARA appliance or the Herbst Appliance. These are great for patients with poor compliance, and occasionally can be combined with fixed orthodontic appliances (such as braces).
We DO NOT offer fixed functional therapy.
Orthodontic Functional Appliance Procedure
Depending on whether you need a Fixed (glued-in) or removal jaw expander, the process is fairly similar and involves:
- The initial appointment to place separators (rubber rings) between your back teeth (for fixed appliances only).
- Approximately 1 week later, we will take 3D scans or moulds of your teeth (please note: appointment 1 & 2 may be done together).
- Your next appointment will be fitting of the appliance. The appliance is designed specifically to your jaws, and you will be shown how to activate the appliance.
- If a fixed appliance is made (eg. Herbst or Forsus appliance) – this is will glued to your back molars. It may be activate once every few weeks to push the jaw forward as required.
- If the appliance is a removable plate – it is as simple as placing the appliance in your mouth and clicking it into place. Please note that this appliance needs to be worn all day and night (and during meals). It should only be removed for cleaning. Failure to wear the appliance during the require times will result in slower treatment.
- You will attend regular appointments to monitor the appliance and progress of your jaw relationship.
Why Choose Us
- Experienced Cranbourne Dentists who have a special interest in Orthodontics
- Digital 3D Scanning technology
- Fixed & removable plates
- Certified Clear Aligner provider in Invisalign™ (Gold Provider), Spark™ and Angel Aligner™
- Keen focus on airway (breathing), sleep, expansion and jaw relationships
- Multiple payment plan options available for Orthodontic treatment
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Functional Therapy work?
Most functional appliances are designed to speed up the growth of the lower jaw. This is done by forcing the lower jaw to be positioned further forward into the proper relationship, allowing the jaw joint to grow and remodel into this new position. Severe cases may need the lower jaw to be position further forward slowly over a period of time. Once the correct relationship has been established, this position is held for a few months to allow the muscles to adapt to this new position (up to 6 months).
How much does Functional Orthodontic Treatment cost?
The cost greatly depends on the length of treatment and number of appliances used. The cost for this can range from $2,000 (including all appointments) for a simple appliance up to roughly $10,000+ for more complex functional treatments which involve the alignment of your teeth.
Do you need to to refer me to a specialist to do my Orthodontics?
Whilst we are able to do most Orthodontic treatment here at Cranbourne North Dental, we occasionally may need to refer you to an Orthodontist.
Do I need to wear a retainer?
As with all orthodontic work – you must wear your retainer after treatment or you may have orthodontic relapse.
How long is Orthodontic Functional Therapy?
Jaw expansion typically will last from roughly 6 months to up to 2 years, depending on the number of plates or devices used.