Orthodontics Treatment in Cranbourne
Orthodontics is the movement of teeth. So when someone asks us about Orthodontics – it generally means we are looking at straightening your teeth and jaws. Beyond achieving straight teeth, orthodontics focuses on ensuring a functional and healthy bite.
Explore our diverse orthodontic solutions, including precision plates for correcting malalignments, expanders to widen narrow jaws, and space maintainers.
Our Orthodontics Philosophy
Orthodontics is not just simply about straightening teeth. Here at Cranbourne North Dental, we aim to create a beautiful full smiles. We pay particular attention to the curvature, width and height of the smile. All of these aspects involve a lot more work than just straight teeth. The last thing we want for you is to have a flat straight smile (ie. Denture smile).
We also pay great attention to the profile of your face. Not only should your smile be full, but your facial profile should match it is as well. There is no point in extracting teeth in a patient who already has a sunken profile. Similarly, patients with lips that are too full should not have this worsen. This is why we say we treat the face, and not just the teeth.
Orthodontic Treatment Options in Cranbourne
- Early Orthodontics such as expansion, functional therapy and partial braces in a developing child.
- Jaw Expansion with removable or fixed (glued-in) appliances such as Schwartz Expansion Plates or Bonded Hyrax Expanders.
- Functional Appliance Therapy with removable appliances such as Twin Blocks or Angel Aligner A6 Mandibular Advancement Therapy.
- Clear Aligner therapy using Invisalign, Spark or Angel Aligner.
- Partial or Full braces (*please note as of 2022, we only offer braces on selected patients)
Why Choose Us
- Experienced Cranbourne Dentists who have a special interest in Orthodontics
- Digital 3D Scanning technology
- Fixed & removable plates
- Certified Clear Aligner provider in Invisalign™ (Gold Provider), Spark™ and Angel Aligner™
- Keen focus on airway (breathing), sleep & expansion
- Multiple payment plan options
Signs you might need Orthodontics
Everyone knows about crooked teeth as the main reason for Orthodontics. There are many other signs you might need orthodontic treatment which include:
- Crowding or Spacing
- Rotated teeth
- Crossbites
- Overbite or Underbites
- Open bites or Deep bites
- Narrow jaws
- Retruded or Protrusive jaws
- Jaw & mouth muscle imbalance
NEVER IGNORE and Orthodontic problems, no matter how young you or your child might be. Treatment options increase in complexity and costs as you get older so we always recommend seeking an Orthodontic Opinion in Cranbourne as early as possible.
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Common Problems
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I Need Braces?
Not everyone needs perfectly straight teeth. The most important things dental professionals will look for is a U shaped well aligned upper and lower jaw. Teeth that are easy to keep clean. You are able to function well and clinically healthy teeth!
Some common reasons why you may need orthodontic treatment such as braces may be, crowding, crossbites, deep overbite, impacted teeth, front teeth protruding, missing adult teeth. Sometimes orthodontic treatment may be more for aesthetic reasons but the majority of orthodontic treatment such as plates, braces or clear aligners are due to functional reasons. Talk to your dental professional if you are concerned about your bite and they will be able to discuss the options and if there is a need for treatment.
How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take?
The duration of orthodontic treatment varies depending on the complexity of the case, but it generally ranges from 12 to 24 months.
Are There Any Dietary Restrictions With Orthodontic Treatments?
With traditional braces, you should avoid hard, sticky, and sugary foods. Clear aligners like Invisalign have no dietary restrictions since they are removable.
Can Adults Benefit From Orthodontic Treatment?
Yes, adults can benefit from orthodontic treatment. Age is not a limiting factor, and many adults achieve excellent results with braces or clear aligners.
Will Orthodontic Treatment Affect My Speech?
There might be a slight adjustment period where your speech is affected, especially with clear aligners or expanders, but it typically normalises within a few days.